Ranch Architecture
Portfolio and Services

At Shepherd Resources Inc., we’re all about pushing the boundaries. Our team is driven by a passion for creating beautiful, functional spaces where blending the charm of a timeless design coincides with modern living. When developing ranch retreats for our clients, we implement a collaborative narrative, where every sketch, plan, and construction detail is carefully crafted with the client’s vision in mind.

Vail Valley, Colorado






Explore our Ranch Architecture Services

Uncovering the Core of Designing Ranch Homes

When designing ranch homes, we focus on functionality, elegance, and harmony with the environment. We embark on each project committed to understanding the surrounding environment and how the structure will ultimately impact our clients’ lives. This synergy guides our design process and ensures every ranch home is a sanctuary that enhances well-being and celebrates the natural landscape.

Advantages of Choosing a Professional Ranch Architect

Choosing SRI signifies more than just an architectural engagement; it represents deep-seated trust in a team that envisions beyond the design. Our practice lies in a profound understanding that we’re not merely creating buildings but are intricately weaving ecosystems of comfort, elegance, and sustainability. Our commitment transcends the physical structure to imbue every project with a sense of belonging, connection, and harmony with the environment. It’s about creating homes that stand as sanctuaries, blending the boundaries between indoors and out, and encapsulating the essence of ranch living.

Benefits of Collaborating with Experts

At Shepherd Resources Inc., our team’s expertise in ranch architecture emerges from a confluence of precision, artistry, and an unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship. Our attention to deep listening allows us to offer innovative solutions that honor ranch architecture’s rich heritage while meeting the client’s needs. Collaborating with SRI opens a door of possibilities where tradition meets innovation, and each project is a dialogue between our architect’s vision and our client’s.

Reasons to Select Our Team of Ranch Architectural Experts

The pride in what we do is palpable through the homes we create. Our love for minimalistic styles and ranch architecture shines through in every project, making each one a clear statement of our commitment to beauty, sustainability, and a personalized touch. We dive into every new venture to make homes that aren’t just places to live, but spaces that celebrate the uniqueness of those who live there. To us, every home is more than a building; it’s a living, breathing space that profoundly connects with its surroundings and the people inside. It’s all about working hand-in-hand with you to bring your vision to life, ensuring every detail reflects the perfect blend of timeless design and modern comfort.

Planning and Execution Process for Ranch Architecture Projects

The journey from vision to reality at Shepherd Resources Inc. is marked by meticulous collaboration, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Our planning and execution process is a testament to our dedication to transforming dreams into tangible realities, where each step is carefully considered and executed with precision.

Design and Preparations

Landscape Evaluation

Before diving into any project, we always take a moment to get to know the space before the design process begins. Think of it as getting the lay of the land to ensure your vision can become a reality. This first step is key to creating a ranch home that’s not just in harmony with its surroundings but also reflects everything our clients want in a home. It’s how we make sure that the home we design together is as much a part of its landscape as it is a part of your life story. Our approach is all about blending old-school charm with the convenience of modern living, ensuring that every detail, from the first sketch to the final nail, is in line with what you’ve envisioned for your perfect retreat.

Generating Preliminary Design Concepts

In the first stages of creativity and collaboration, our ideas take root, blossoming into preliminary design concepts that capture the quintessence of ranch living. This phase is characterized by a vibrant exchange of ideas, where our architects and clients come together to dream and design spaces that reflect a perfect amalgamation of form, function, and the spirit of the ranch lifestyle.

Executing Design Enhancement

Design enhancement at Shepherd Resources Inc. is a dynamic and iterative process, where initial concepts are refined and evolved through a collaborative dialogue with our clients. This ensures that the final design aligns seamlessly with our client’s vision and the site’s unique characteristics, creating spaces that are both beautiful and deeply connected to their surroundings.

Crafting Detailed Design Plans

The translation of dreams into blueprints is a phase where precision in planning comes to the forefront. Our detailed design plans are the foundation for creating homes that are not just visually stunning but are embodiments of functional elegance, designed to stand the test of time and to be cherished for generations.

Implementing Sustainable Design Solutions

Sustainability is interwoven throughout our design philosophy, reflecting a deep-seated commitment to stewardship of the land and the well-being of future generations. Our sustainable design solutions are a hallmark of our work, ensuring that each project not only respects the environment but also contributes positively to it, creating a legacy of sustainability and beauty.

Featured Projects

Our Colorado portfolio showcases our commitment to blending architectural excellence with innovative design. Each project, from sophisticated ranches to tranquil retreats, stands as a tribute to our mission of crafting environments that captivate and rejuvenate, marking our passion for distinctive and impactful design.

Architectural Endeavors in Colorado

Across Colorado’s stunning landscapes, we pour our hearts into creating spaces that reflect our love for innovation and positive change. We embrace the natural beauty around us, shaping each project to truly enhance the lives of everyone who spends time in these spaces.

This project stands as a symbol of rustic elegance intertwined with sustainable innovation, showcasing our dedication to designs that resonate with their natural settings. Fly Barn creates a unique lake creek experience from all vantage points.

A sanctuary epitomizing our vision of architecture as a vessel for wellness and tranquility, Wellspring Ranch offers a haven that is both nurturing and awe-inspiring. Explore Wellspring Ranch and all the unique elements it has to offer.

Reflecting the dynamism and flexibility of ranch architecture, Eagle Ranch fuses luxury with the untouched allure of Colorado, creating a home that is as majestic as the landscape in which it resides.

Learn About Our Team

Behind every project is our team of visionary architects and designers, whose passion and creativity drive our mission.

Our expertise and dedication are the foundation of our success, pushing the boundaries of hospitality architecture. Meet the team behind the inner workings of SRI.

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely. Here at Shepherd Resources Inc., our passion isn’t limited to just crafting beautiful spaces. We take it a step further by focusing on homes that are not only smart and sustainable but also designed with an eye toward the future. Our team is well-versed in the latest energy-efficient technologies and materials that are perfect for ranch-style homes. We’re here to guide you through selecting the best options that align with both your design aesthetic and sustainability goals, ensuring your ranch home is as kind to the environment as it is to you.

Our ranch architecture services stand apart because we dive deeper than the standard architecture design process. These Ranch projects encompass acres of land shaped for timeless comfort, integrated with the staged development of structures, roads, lakes, landscape features, etc., creating a generational legacy tangible in the landscape. Each project integrates our client’s interests, from riding arenas, fly fishing barns, telescope silos, cycling garages, and golf holes or an inside golf simulator if you prefer. Our ranch architecture projects completely revamp the home and its surrounding environment. This holistic approach allows us to consider every aspect of the site to craft a space that’s uniquely yours.

Designing for accessibility and aging-in-place is a crucial focus for us, particularly with the adaptable layout of ranch-style homes. We employ various methods to ensure your home is comfortable and accessible for all stages of life. This includes incorporating features like wider doorways, no-step entries, lever-style door handles, and open floor plans that facilitate easy movement. Our goal is to create a ranch home that not only meets your needs today but also adapts to your future, making it a lasting place of comfort and convenience.

our geography

We achieve unity, with every client, and within our team, by staying ego-free without sacrificing confidence, and emphasizing everything enjoyable about dreaming up
and developing your custom home. 

Let's Create Together

We invite you to explore our work and see how our dedication to design, sustainability, and service can help create spaces that inspire and endure.

Charlotte R. DeChant



As a young artist, Charlotte tailored her pre-architecture undergraduate degree at Colorado College, in Colorado Springs, and completed her Master of Architecture at the University of Colorado, Denver. With her fresh eyes, she is an observer, analyst and critic of our processes, and her imagination inspires and contributes to our creativity. Of the partners, Charlotte’s willingness to raise the children fostered Doug’s ability to focus upon the practice.

She is a lifelong resident of Colorado, skied Vail in the early years as a child and remains an excellent bump skier (if the sun is shining). She was an original teammate of the Vail Breakaways, Vail’s first women’s hockey team. Charlotte’s vision includes an amazing gift for seeing, rescuing, restoring and placing cast-off furniture and other elements, giving the pieces valuable, renewed lives.

Douglas M. DeChant

Founding Partner/Principal


Architecture is more than a profession for Doug, our principal designer; it is a calling, understood since childhood. While a modernist at heart, his work reflects the necessary context of each setting and the voice of each client. He trained in the program of modernist and former Bauhaus Director Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe, at Illinois Institute of Technology’s School of Architecture in Chicago. After working throughout the nation and overseas, Doug settled in Vail in 1985, where he met his wife, Charlotte. Together they founded the practice in 1989 and have enjoyed raising four amazing children.

Doug’s service has included the Eagle County, Colorado, Planning Commission; the faculty of the Byron Fellowship, an annual sustainable communities conference; panelist at the Summit for Creativity in La Jolla sponsored by The Design Futures Council; participation in local design review boards; youth sports coaching; and various lay-leadership positions in his church. In 2004, he conceived ‘Benevolent Architecture’, a proprietary service offering low-cost or no-cost architecture and consulting to worthy ministries and non-profits.  In 2005, Doug began to develop an intimate, artistic retreat and conference venue, Wellspring Ranch, LLC, relocating and restoring several historic Colorado structures upon a remarkable property outside of Buena Vista, Colorado.

He is a member of the American Institute of Architects, certified by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, and has been licensed in numerous states, including Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Indiana, Georgia and Pennsylvania. He finds balance in guitar, sculpture, hiking, snowshoeing, golf and crafting various elements of his retreat venue. 

Tom Bashford


Tom, one of our most valued, gifted leaders, passed away unexpectedly in March 2017. Together with his joyful spirit and hilarious dry wit, he enhanced our studio with a wealth of design and management experience. Tom will never be replaced. He was the type of person, father, leader, and mentor to which we all aspire, and the fruit of his efforts will live on, in his son, in us, and in our projects.

Pam, Peraya Mongkolwongrojn


Peraya, Pam, is originally from Bangkok, Thailand, where she first became interested in Architecture from the rich spatial environment.  She explored Canada before moving to the States to pursue her passion for architecture. Pam went to the University of Arizona to earn a Bachelor of Architecture professional degree. During school, she energized a passion for the arts and drawing. 

In her free time, Pam enjoys exploring the great outdoors, hiking through Colorado’s scenic landscapes, and finding inspiration for her designs in nature. With a keen eye for detail and a creative approach to problem-solving, Pam has been involved in many of our custom residential homes. Her passion for the arts and drawing has influenced her design style, which incorporates elements of beauty and functionality. Pam’s commitment to excellence and her love for architecture make her a dedicated professional who strives to make a difference through her work.

As she continues to grow and learn in her field, Pam remains devoted to creating innovative spaces that enrich people’s lives and leave a positive legacy for future generations.

Brett Lehr

Project Manager

Brett is a designer with a unique blend of expertise, holding an undergraduate degree in Media Arts from the University of Nebraska-Omaha and an M.Arch degree from the University of Nebraska. His diverse educational background has ignited a passion for utilizing realistic virtual environments to enhance the efficiency, enjoyment, and overall success of architectural design processes.

Beyond his professional pursuits, Brett finds joy in a variety of hobbies, including snow skiing, biking, fly fishing, golf, and hiking. Embracing the scenic wonders of the Vail Valley, he has found the perfect lifestyle fit, drawing creative inspiration from the surrounding natural beauty.

Laurie Baggott


Our studio is fortunate to have Laurie bring her considerable experience in business and finance to our daily operations. Among her many administrative responsibilities, she manages accounting, payroll and invoicing for us. When not busy here or as a private chef, she avidly hikes in our beautiful summers and snowshoes in the winter.

Patricia Marcine


Earning her Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Houston in 2016 was just the beginning. From there, Trish headed to Europe, to study at the Graz University of Technology in Austria and work at the Aedes Architekturforum. Then she determined it was time to return to the Rocky Mountains. We became beneficiaries of her delightful, collaborative spirit when she joined our studio in early 2018. Her savvy technical support and inspired design voice enhance each project, while her design comprehension and growth demonstrate that she has a future with much to offer the profession. As a lifelong artist, Trish’s search for a practical art form and meaningful profession has been fulfilled by custom residential architecture, where “…not a day truly feels like work.”

Trish grew up in Northern New Jersey, playing club and varsity soccer, enjoying ski club with friends, and learning to snowboard at a young age. As a teen, she competed in various equestrian events, highlighted by working for Frank and Mary Chapot to train Olympic-level show jumpers. Eventually, faster hobbies were necessary, and Trish became a driving instructor for the SCCA and track-day rider on her CBR600RR. She’s also been an enthusiastic racer on our company’s ‘ski team’. When a new project surfaces, she’s pleased to slow down enough to collaborate with the team.

Emily Warren


Emily joined us from the DC area, lured by the mountains, our core values and our creative environment. She earned a Master of Architecture and Bachelor of Science in Architecture degrees from SUNY Buffalo’s School of Architecture & Planning, with a minor in Earth System Science.

Through her wonderfully infectious spirit, Emily eagerly contributes diverse knowledge and experience, having worked on historic National Park Service documentation, and urban high-density residential projects facing strict constraints. She is a productive and dedicated team player who thrives through learning and contributing to the growth of others. Her detail, project management and organizational skills are exceptional. Emily is licensed in Maryland, and nationally accredited by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards.

Emily is passionate about youth empowerment, with considerable experience teaching and mentoring in schools and camps. She’s an ardent weightlifter, hiker and nature enthusiast, embracing the Vail Valley’s active, outdoor lifestyle.

Cam Frey


Cam was introduced to Colorado’s rivers and mountains at an early age, returning annually from Michigan with his family to fly-fish and hike near the small mining town of Creede. His interest in design and architecture was ignited by his high school drafting teacher, who instilled a balanced approach to design through technology and craft. Cam received his BA from UNC, Chapel Hill, followed by a few years of medical research before heading West to earn his Master of Architecture from the University of Oregon. There he became interested in the interdisciplinary study of Biomimicry; an approach to solving design problems by looking to nature. Not coincidentally, this interest, the stunning landscapes, wildlife, and outdoor lifestyle led Cam back to Colorado in 2014. He joined us in 2017, quickly becoming a central piece of our culture and project management structure.

Cam serves on the Design Review Committee of the Arrowhead at Vail community, is a certified Biomimicry Specialist and licensed Architect in the state of Colorado.

His other pursuits include fly-fishing, skiing, hiking, and a good game of euchre…, and the list continues to grow. He is married to a wonderfully talented children’s book illustrator, and dotes on his young son.

Ben Marion


From an early age, Ben had a pen in hand and a curiosity for exploring both natural and built environments. Much of his adolescence was spent drawing what he observed, balanced with his passions for cross-country skiing the New England forests and playing soccer as far away as Europe. Like many of us, Ben arrived in Colorado as an adult, following a lifelong passion to further pursue the resort lifestyle. After graduating from the University of Colorado, he practiced with some of the finest architects and builders in the region, creating fine homes and other structures. His broad experience includes California mountain resort homes, as well as mixed-use and commercial structures, peppered with an interesting mix of furniture building and construction. In our studio, Ben is a strong design voice and outstanding project manager, leading by quiet example as he mentors our emerging leaders.

Ben remains passionate about skiing and soccer, coaching both youth sports locally. Travel remains in his blood as he and his family explore the west in their vintage 1967 camper.

Bert Willemse


Bert found a home away from home in the Vail Valley while exploring North America’s most beautiful landscapes on a post-graduation road trip…, from his hometown of Bellvale, New York to Wasilla, Alaska. He had completed his studies at SUNY Buffalo and apprenticed with two well-known firms in New York’s Hudson Valley area before joining our studio. As the son of a general contractor Bert gained practical construction knowledge with hands-on experience in the field. His many professional attributes are exceeded only by his wonderful, collaborative spirit.

Naturally, Bert is an active individual who embraces hiking, biking and skiing in our amazing Colorado mountains.

Adam H. Harrison

NCARB, LEED AP / Principal


After graduating from Illinois Institute of Technology’s School of Architecture in 1994 and working as an intern for three years at Fujikawa Johnson and Associates in Chicago, Adam packed his van and toured America to determine where he might settle; he found Vail and Shepherd Resources in September of 1997. After growing from intern to project manager to associate, Adam began transitioning into ownership in 2017 and became a principal owner in early 2020. As a dedicated designer, Adam loves collaborating with his fellow architects and interns while managing a busy studio.

His priorities are rooted in sustainability, strong leadership skills, and staff mentoring to uphold the core values of the practice. He is licensed in Colorado, Michigan, and North Carolina and serves as the chairman of the Red Sky Ranch Design Review Board. Adam enjoys golf, mountain biking, skiing, music, and any activity involving his daughter Bellalee. Adam has been practicing for a quarter century and looks forward to designing and collaborating for another quarter century; the opportunity to doodle a quick sketch, with the future opportunity of walking through such a doodle fuels his creativity and passion for design.

Adam H. Harrison

NCARB, LEED AP / Principle


As a young artist, Charlotte tailored her pre-architecture undergraduate degree at Colorado College, in Colorado Springs, and completed her Master of Architecture at the University of Colorado, Denver. With her fresh eyes, she is an observer, analyst and critic of our processes, and her imagination inspires and contributes to our creativity. Of the partners, Charlotte’s willingness to raise the children fostered Doug’s ability to focus upon the practice.

She is a lifelong resident of Colorado, skied Vail in the early years as a child and remains an excellent bump skier (if the sun is shining). She was an original teammate of the Vail Breakaways, Vail’s first women’s hockey team. Charlotte’s vision includes an amazing gift for seeing, rescuing, restoring and placing cast-off furniture and other elements, giving the pieces valuable, renewed lives.