When it comes to the factors that differentiate SRI from other architecture studios, there are numerous, and we’re proud of all of them. Whether it’s our 30+ years of sophisticated custom designs, or our litany of repeat clients who we’ve worked with on multiple projects, one still stands out above the rest. We believe our top differentiator is that we’ve raised listening to an art form.
Obviously, listening is a part of any collaborative project. However, we don’t use it to simply map out a rough outline of what the client wants, then take the project in our own direction. Instead, we delve deep, to forge connection and understanding, to draw out their vision, and then actualize it. Let’s take a closer look at why we’re so committed to deep listening, and how it shapes our architectural process.
Building Trust and Partnership
The reason why we center listening at the core of our design process is because of the other extremely valuable processes it kicks into gear. Two of the most beneficial secondary effects of deep listening are the development of both trust and partnership with our clients. Building a custom home is a rigorous process that involves communication through every step of the way, and getting the results just right is vital.
Our client relationships thrive because we begin from a place of empathy, and then guide our clients through the process of mutually collaborating and establishing a stunning vision for their new home. The only way to ensure trust and partnership continue to grow, is through deep and earnest listening.
Developing a Collaborative Dynamic

Another reason listening is such a crucial part of our architecture is that it helps us unlock new creative possibilities through collaboration. While our internal team is composed of experienced, determined, architectural experts, collective imagination always trumps individual intelligence, which is why we lean so hard on collaboration.
Including our clients in this collaborative dynamic is also necessary, so that we can continue to keep their vision aligned with our design, as both evolve in parallel. The only way we can achieve this is through our deep listening process, which keeps a high fidelity connection between our studio and clients, throughout the extended custom home design process.
Uniting Lifestyle, Landscape, and Luxury

Perhaps the most concrete reason for our commitment to deep listening is to combine the various individual lifestyle, landscape, and luxury factors that our clients and their families are seeking. Uniting all of these features in a way that both synthesizes them and brings them into symbiosis requires a deep understanding of what the client wants, how they live, and why they’re seeking these features in the first place. These conversations are a joy of our process, because they combine trust, partnership, and collaboration, and manifest them in the custom designs we’re renowned for.
Do you have a vision for a custom home? We’re all ears. Let’s start the conversation today!